Open Access: Part of the project of this class is to share information freely and openly with anyone who is interested in what we are doing in class. As such, the majority of assignments and activities from this class will be hosted on our course website. As part of the requirements for this class, you will be expected to sign up for the website and check regularly, posting whenever you have relevant thoughts to share and comment on the posts of your peers.
Attendance: Coming to class is essential to doing well as you cannot replicate the discussions that are had when you are not here. It is therefore in your best interest to show up for each class and do so on time, However, I understand that life happens and can sometimes get in the way. You are allowed 3 absences before it affects your grade. As per university policy, any more than 4 absences will result in an unofficial withdrawal from class.
Participation: The primary goal of this class is to engage in conversations about the books that we are reading as well as the issues that are presented in the texts and supplemental readings. Therefore, it is not enough to simply show up for class; you must also come prepared for active engagement. Active participation also includes regular checking and posting on class website.
Academic Integrity: “Integrity is fundamental to the academic enterprise. It is violated by such acts as borrowing or purchasing term papers, essays, reports, and other written assignments; using concealed notes or crib sheets during examinations; copying the work of others and submitting it as one’s own; and misappropriating the knowledge of others. The source from which one derives one derives one’s ideas, statements, terms, and data must be fully and specifically acknowledged in the appropriate form; failure to do so, intentionally or unintentionally, constitutes plagiarism. Violations of academic integrity may result in failure in a course and in disciplinary actions with penalties such as suspension or dismissal from the college.”
Accessibility: All students are entitled to the accommodations they require in order to do well in this class. If you think that you need special accommodations please speak to me as well as someone in the Office of Student Accessibility so that we can ensure you are receiving the services you need.